Norm Architects | Sorensen Leather

Norm Architects is a multi-disciplinary Danish design firm working with everything from architecture, interiors, furniture and industrial design to photography, branding, art direction and graphics. Their modus operandi is all about revealing the essence of a design with its innate beauty with the simplest way to express it, so there’s nothing to add or subtract. As collaborators, Norm has been involved with numerous projects with us, including partnering with us on co-creating our TERRA and SHADE collections. They spearheaded our brand image and defined our aesthetic approach seen in their beautiful photography. Norm continues to involve our leather in new collaborations, furniture and product design, interior design, new collections and inventive concepts with our leather.

All collaborations

Our SHADE Collection co-created with Norm Architects.

Our SHADE Collection with natural hues co-created with Norm Architects

Our SHADE Collection co-created with Norm Architects. Photo by Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

Brown leaf on top of our SHADE collection created with Norm Architects

SHADE created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

SHADE co-created with Norm Architects. Photo Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen.

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